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Golden Girls, the Golden Globes, why not a golden milk, too? ✨ I’ve been drinking golden milk for about 2 years now and I just love the taste and warm and fuzzies it gives me. I’m not perfect about taking it every day, but when I do, I never regret it. If you love the […]

best golden milk powder

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Golden Girls, the Golden Globes, why not a golden milk, too? ✨ I’ve been drinking golden milk for about 2 years now and I just love the taste and warm and fuzzies it gives me. I’m not perfect about taking it every day, but when I do, I never regret it. If you love the […]

the 5 best golden milk powders for clarity & inspiration


best golden milk powder

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I’ve found one of the biggest reasons I have so much energy and inspiration is because of the lifestyle I’ve practiced for over 10 years — being plant-based! As a singer-songwriter who documents my artistic process on YouTube, I constantly have vegan drinks and snacks around to help me keep my energy levels high (shoutout […]

the 7 best quick & easy vegan drinks


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The secret to living your dreams as an artist is closer than you think. BUT, it might not be in the place you were looking for it. 🫣 If you’ve always resonated with the idea that everyone in the world should be doing what they love, you’re not alone. I’ve been a self-help connoisseur ever […]

how to become a full-time artist & creative

Creative Career

how to become a full-time artist

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how to STAY creative.


how to stay creative

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I’ll be honest— as a singer-songwriter, I never dreamed of starting my path as a freelance writer. But after I realized the immense power that being able to write had in any industry, I pursued it during the depths of 2020. Now, years later, I’ve been so lucky to have a full-time income from my […]

how to start freelance writing with no experience (2024)

Creative Career

how to start a freelance writing career with no experience sun soaked kitchen

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i QUIT ACTING SCHOOL + got a 9-5. here’s what happened.


i quit acting and got a 9-5 here's what happened

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🦋 the ethereal girlie’s guide to soft & intentional income $$


image of a songwriter in front of organized notion board

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You might hear the “555 manifestation method” and immediately think of it as one of those run-of-the-mill self-help gimmicks. And I don’t blame you! Oftentimes, manifestation is talked about as just thinking about something and having it happen. But there are a few more ways to make its magic happen, which is probably why you’re […]

what is the 55×5 manifestation method?

Creative Career

image of a girl looking out the window sipping tea

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We spend long hours writing and recording melodies in the comfort of our home (studio). 🎶 So naturally, I’m always on the lookout, for a healthier, more inspiring environment. The best nontoxic candles can both create a beautiful ambiance in your space and keep your body and home clean. After all, taking care of our […]

the 7 best nontoxic candles for a fresh & inspiring home


best nontoxic candles woman in cozy sweater by window

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Let’s collectively reshape the way we’re working in 2024, fit with self-love, better home vibes, and warm intentions day in and day out.

a BETTER way to be an artist in 2024.


graphic of a girl with the words stop hustling

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Creating a nontoxic home is a journey I’ve been on for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s always a work in progress. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” nontoxic home, but every small switch we make brings us closer to a healthier, cleaner space. There are things that I know now— […]

7 simple switches for a nontoxic home (& clearer creative mind)


nontoxic home girl drinking juice in kitchen

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3 mistakes i made releasing my first creative project

Creative Career

3 MISTAKES i made releasing my first CREATIVE PROJECT

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Having a recording studio nestled right inside our home means every corner of our living space and a is potential birthplace for our next big idea. We’ve learned that treating our home like a creative oasis is just as important as ensuring it’s a comfortable abode. As a musical couple, it’s about creating a cozy […]

how to make my house feel like a home (for non-designers!)


house design ideas purple home with woman wearing cozy black jacket

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my 7-step formula for long-term creative freedom (business, mindset + strategy)


image of a woman reading a book on a bed with the text be patient above her head

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The manifesting I’ve done for years has changed my life. ✨ Lots of people describe manifesting as willing something to happen— but it’s so much more than that. In fact, that’s probably what gives it a bad rap— everyone simplifies it down to just imagining and thinking. They don’t talk about the importance of action. […]

how to make a manifestation mood board

Creative Career

image of the back of a girl staring at pictures and images for her mood board

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I wasn’t always a big fan of tea. In fact, I had a rule: I wanted my food hot and my drinks cold. I didn’t think about herbal teas that detox, or teas in general. It wasn’t until I met STATiC and went over to his home for the first time. He had a tea […]

the 17 best herbal teas that detox like magic


image of a girl wearing all black and holding a green teacup in her kitchen

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Calling all mindful creatives: this sustainable living guide is for you. As a songwriter, living holistically and sustainably is such an important element of my creative process. I 100% know that the times I feel anxious, uninspired, and stuck is when I’m: It’s honestly that simple. This is why I prioritize sustainable living practices to […]

3-step sustainable living guide for holistic girlies


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📝 switching my biz plan, ✨ laying down new songs + 📜 my songwriting process
