I'm an artist at heart, performer and songwriter, and a lover of all things creatively & artistically beautiful. In this little corner of the internet, we talk about how to live an artistic lifestyle, fit with the tools, techniques, tips, and community. Get comfy and cozy.
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February 3, 2025
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That creative project you’ve been working on? It’s starting to feel heavy.
The social media posts, the constant hustle, the pressure to “make it” — somewhere along the way, the magic got lost in the metrics. 🥲
But here’s the thing about joy for artists: it’s actually the secret ingredient that transforms good art into soul-touching sorcery.
When you’re connected to joy, your creativity flows like stardust, touching everything you create with an ethereal sparkle that simply cannot be faked.
If you’re looking for some quotes about joy for adults navigating their creative path, these wisdom-filled words will help you reconnect with the beauty of creating.
Sweet friend, have you ever noticed how some artists seem to glow from within, while others… well, they look like they’re carrying the weight of their entire creative career on their shoulders?
Here’s what most business/productivity books won’t tell you: if you can’t find joy in the small moments of creating, you’ll never fully taste the sweetness of success.
Think about it — if you’re jaded during the journey, those “big wins” will feel more like checking boxes than achieving dreams.
I spent years learning this. I’ve been in hundreds of acting classes. I’ve spent years doing silly exercises, working on scripts to practice for auditions. Then I was in audition after audition, thinking “when do we get to the real acting?”
But then I remember my voice coach, Molly Dunn, telling me to bask in every single audition. Every chance I have to perform is an opportunity to do what I love. Even if I don’t get the role. It’s a container of joy, even being in a room with a few people.
Sometimes, the best way to remind us of the joy of, well, joy, is from some amazing quotes. Here are some of my fav creative life quotes specifically about joy. 👇
While Marie Kondo is talking about tidying up your home, this principle is pure magic for artists. Think about your creative practices and daily tasks and to-dos — which ones light you up from within? Which ones feel like obligations? How can you make the obligations more romanticized?
Firstly, your art doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. If writing in coffee shops makes your heart sing but everyone says you need a “proper office,” guess what? Keep the coffee shop sessions. Joy is your compass here.
If you have chores or work you really don’t like doing, how can you make them more enjoyable? I’ve found that having a Cozy Girl Job (a remote job that didn’t require me on-camera and let me make my own schedule) was enough to help me spark more joy in my life — simply because I could control it!
I can choose where I work, the environment in which I’m working, when I’m working, what I’m wearing, etc. And I choose to make as many things spark joy as possible so that when I am done with working, I am so much more joyful and inspired to work on my acting and songwriting.
For us artists, this trinity takes on a special meaning:
When these three elements align, magic happens! 🪄
Your creativity becomes both the passionate escape and the daily practice, while your artistic vision gives you that flutter of excitement about what’s possible.
I hope these artistic joy sayings help you remember that happiness most often comes from movement and action. Want to learn more about this? Read this next: The Law of Attraction Creative Process: How to Manifest Your Magic |
Have you ever had those moments in your creative practice where time just… disappears? Where you’re so deeply immersed in your art that everything else fades away?
That’s your soul speaking, sweet friend. This is one of those creative happiness quotes that truly captures the essence of aligned artistry, and I just love it!
This is what happens when you’re truly aligned with your artistic purpose. It’s not about forcing creativity or following someone else’s formula — it’s about letting that river of joy flow through you and into your work.
Equally, rivers, just like bodies, have to move and flow in order for things to keep evolving. A big misconception about anyone who loves the Law of Attraction is that it’s all about visualizing and affirming, but there’s a big part in there people forget: inspired action. AKA, movement! When you’re doing things from your soul, a river moves in you. Continue to follow that river, moving with it, so you can let it bring you to the next creative goal.
This quote reminds me of something fascinating we learned in acting school about the outside-in approach.
When we were working on period pieces (think Titanic, Bridgerton, Shakespeare, anything set way earlier than modern-day era) we’d start by putting on the physical elements — the corset, the shoes — and somehow, magically, the character’s inner world would start to follow.
The outside would dictate how the inner world would feel.
The same principle applies to your creative practice. Sometimes you need to create the conditions for joy before you feel it.
Light that candle, put on your creative playlist, set up your space like the successful artist you’re becoming. Heck, high five yourself in your mirror whenever you pass by it! (I learned that from Mel Robbins). Your inner world will often follow your outer actions.
🌸 You might love this, next: Unexpected Things to Be Grateful For That Spark Creativity Daily
Among all the inspirational artist quotes I’ve encountered, this one speaks so deeply to the full spectrum of creative experience!
Here’s a truth about being an artist that nobody talks about enough: the depth of your joy is often equal to the depth of your ability to feel everything else. Your sensitivity isn’t a weakness — it’s your superpower.
And while it might feel hard to be a sensitive business owner — yes, every artist is also a business owner — it’s possible. In fact, I think we need to normalize making business feel human again.
But let’s get back to the artistry for a sec – think about the most moving pieces of art you’ve experienced. For me, it’s Euphoria. It contains light and shadow, joy and sorrow, because that’s what makes them real. The best plays I’ve seen are ones that I can’t really describe the genre of – because they have everything. Even if they’re following a serious plotline, they have hilarious moments in them.
Because that’s what life is!
When you embrace both sides of this coin, your art becomes richer, more nuanced, more human!
Oh my goodness, if this isn’t the collaborative artist’s manifesto! 🤌
These artist motivation quotes remind us that community is essential to our creative journey — specifically this one. As creators, we’re literally in the business of sharing feelings. Every song we write, every scene we play, every piece we create — it’s all about taking this overwhelming beauty we feel and transforming it into something others can experience too.
This is why we do what we do! When someone tells you your art moved them, made them feel seen, or helped them process their own emotions — that’s the joy multiplying, creating a beautiful ripple effect of connection. 🥹
Love talking about creative community? Ooooo have a got another post for you: How to Find Your Community: A Creative’s Guide to Building Genuine Connections
Of all the creative spirit quotes that speak to purpose, this one beautifully connects joy with service. Understanding your service as an artist is like finding the key to a magical door. Every form of art is a unique type of service:
…and the list can go on and on.
When you recognize how your art serves others, joy becomes woven into the very fabric of your creative practice. It’s not just about what you make — it’s about the ripples of transformation you create in the world.
If you think about it, every single human being on earth has some sort of service they’re delivering. It might be in the form of working for an organization that makes people’s lives more productive. Or as a fitness instructor to help people get and stay fit.
So… what’s yours in the art you make?
These happiness mantras and joyful living inspiration practices can transform your daily creative practice from mundane to magical. But beyond being magically inspired by these quotes about joy for adults, how do we really get started?
You know that little butterfly feeling you get when something feels absolutely right? That’s your creative intuition speaking, and it’s one of your most precious tools as an artist.
Marie Kondo calls this the feeling of sparking joy — I call it the flutter because, if you haven’t noticed, ya girl loves butterflies. Whichever resonates most with you, friend.
Joy — aka, feeling the flutter — is a compass pointing you toward your truest expression. When you’re considering a new project or direction, pause and check in with your body. Does it feel like expansion or contraction? Does it give you energy or drain it? Your body knows the way to your joy.
Let’s be real — not everything about being an artist feels magical all the time. But here’s a secret: you can infuse even the most mundane tasks with joy through the art of ritualization via language.
Sometimes, it’s literally just through language! I’ve been building up another service to offer for biz owners and instead of calling our initial conversation a “discovery call,” I think I’m going to call it a “tea chat.”
Doesn’t that just feel warmer? Language is so insanely powerful that way.
For you, maybe instead of “answering emails,” you’re “connecting with your artistic community” while sipping your favorite tea from that mug that makes you smile. Instead of “organizing your workspace,” you’re “preparing your creative sanctuary” while burning your favorite palo santo.
Look at life through a different lens. A rose-colored one, perhaps. For me, it’s a violet one. 😉
When I was in college, I myself and a lot of people I knew wore “my life is hard” as a badge of honor. And still now, I see people who like to celebrate how much they’re overworking, how little they’re sleeping, etc. etc.
But what if…
The “lonely artist” stereotype? Let’s leave that in the past where it belongs. 👋 Start by making your own joy-filled moments with fellow artists who understand your journey.
Whether it’s an online group of fellow artists, a local meetup, or just one accountability partner who really understands your dreams — find 👏 your 👏 people. 👏
Share your wins, support each other through the challenges, and watch how collective joy amplifies everyone’s creativity.
Also, hi, I’m people!!! 👋 I welcome you to subscribe on YouTube for weekly inspiration and gentle reminders that you’re exactly where you need to be. ✨
After all, your joy isn’t just a nice addition to your creative practice — it’s the very essence of what makes your art uniquely, beautifully yours. And that, sweet friend, is pure magic. 🦋
Creative lifestyle
Creative lifestyle
Creative lifestyle
I'm an artist at heart, performer and songwriter, and a lover of all things creatively & artistically beautiful. In this little corner of the internet, we talk about how to live an artistic lifestyle, fit with the tools, techniques, tips, and community. Get comfy and cozy.
I'll pass you little notes full of my latest musings, tips & fav creative tools for being your best artist.