I'm an artist at heart, performer and songwriter, and a lover of all things creatively & artistically beautiful. In this little corner of the internet, we talk about how to live an artistic lifestyle, fit with the tools, techniques, tips, and community. Get comfy and cozy.
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January 29, 2025
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Your life meaning and purpose doesn’t arrive in neatly wrapped packages.
It shows up in the quiet moments in between creation. In the frustration hours of creative block. In the exhilarating rush of breakthroughs.
As artists, we experience meaning most profoundly when we’re lost in the creative void.
The answers to lots of your creative, soul, purpose-driven questions are actually alive right now, pulsing through every piece you create, every idea you pursue, and every creative risk you take.
Even your artistic struggles — especially your struggles — are signposts pointing toward your authentic path.
If we only knew: What is life, meaning, and purpose — right?
Sweet creative friend, while others might wander endlessly around this question, you’ve always known it’s woven into those moments of pure creation.
Finding your life purpose as an artist isn’t a distant dream to chase — it’s already alive in your hands, your heart, your artistic journey. It’s in those breathtaking instances when time stands still, and you know — deep in your bones — that this is exactly what you were born to do.
It’s something that’s living in you, that you need to awaken — like an inner child. 🤸
Let’s break down this question — “what is life, meaning, and purpose?” — and see how it can echo into your heart to draw out the electric surge of energy, passion and love for your life that you’ve always wanted.
💕 Let’s talk gratitude, next: Unexpected Things to Be Grateful For That Spark Creativity Daily
Many spend years contemplating what life meaning and purpose is.
But as artists, our journey looks different. Traditional wisdom tells us that purpose is something we find — like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.
But what if your artist life purpose isn’t about finding something fixed and unchanging? What if it’s about expanding, evolving, and allowing our creativity to flow through us in ever-changing ways?
I love Teal Swan, and I remember one of her videos talking about how we’re put on this earth to expand. Just like the theory of the Big Bang shows that everything started from an explosion, and ever since then, we’ve been expanding and expanding, we can look at ourselves as that, too.
We’re all just part of the ecosystem of the universe, right? Like we’re little cells in its body?
When you ask yourself “What is life meaning and purpose?,” specifically through an artist’s lens, the answer reveals itself differently.
Every time you create something new, you’re literally expanding the universe. You’re bringing something into existence that has never existed before.
That is the magic of art-making — literally, it’s spell-casting in its purest form. 🪄🥹
The conventional approach to answering the elusive “What is life meaning and purpose?” question can often feel like it falls short.
“Find your purpose and stick to it!”
That might work for some, but when finding your life purpose as an artist, we need a different framework.
Our souls speak in colors, melodies, movements, and stories!
Our purpose isn’t a straight line — it’s a dance, a symphony, a canvas that keeps evolving. It feels like it can change every year, every month, heck, even every week. There isn’t just one simple purpose. It can change year-to-year. Our loves, passions and values might stay held and strong, but the way we provide it to the world can change over time.
And heck, our loves, passions and values could change, too!
Traditional “purpose” narratives sometimes keep things a little too oversimplified. Whereas, we’re complex, layered creatives. We need more than that. 😉
Like to watch things? LET’S BE YOUTUBE FRIENDS👇
Life meaning is about recognizing those moments when your entire being lights up with creative energy – when you feel most alive and connected to something greater than yourself. |
Your life’s meaning can shift and transform like the phases of the moon. What fills your soul with purpose in this season might evolve into something entirely different next year – and that’s not just okay, it’s beautifully intentional.
In fact, your life’s meaning isn’t found in grand declarations or single definitions, but in these tiny, magical moments where your art flows through you like stardust.
Purpose is the unique way your creativity expands the universe. It’s not a destination or a fixed title – it’s the energy you bring into everything you create. |
Think of yourself as a prism: the universe’s light flows through you, and your purpose is how you uniquely refract that light into the world. 🔮
Some days that might be through song, others through dance, and others still through the way you arrange flowers in your home or write in your journal.
Your purpose isn’t a single path you must stick to forever. It’s more like a beautiful garden that grows and changes with the seasons of your life.
Some seasons might call you to nurture certain creative gifts, while others invite you to explore entirely new forms of expression. Each evolution is equally valid, equally magical, and equally purposeful.
Answer “What is life, meaning, and purpose?” becomes so so so clearer when you recognize these divine signals in your artistic journey. ✨
You know that feeling when someone asks about your creative work, and suddenly you’re lighting up from within? Your hands start moving animatedly, your words flow faster, and your entire being seems to vibrate at a higher frequency?
This is it, friend. Your creative soul purpose shining through. 🥲
There’s a difference between this kind of enthusiasm — it isn’t the anxious energy of trying to prove yourself. It’s actually the pure joy of being in complete harmony with your truth, and it’s magical.
You’re intuitive enough to know the difference between both of these heart-racing feelings — one being anxiety, and other being a whiff of magic.
😉 For if you’re an overthinking girlie → How to Be in Touch with Your Intuition (Without Overthinking)
Maybe you’ve tried walking away from your art.
Maybe you convinced yourself to pursue something “more practical” (if so, I hope this blog post is your sign to get back into doing what you love).
But here you are, reading this, because creativity keeps calling you back.
Like a magnetic force, your art form chose you as much as you chose it. This persistent pull isn’t stubbornness or inability to “move on,” even if people around you think it is.
This is what it is to have a life meaning and purpose — which will then feed your creative destiny.
When manifesting creative destiny, the universe has a way of confirming your path.
Perhaps you randomly meet someone who offers exactly the opportunity you need. Or you find the perfect resource just when you need it.
Cosmic confirmations are a thing. And when you start seeing these signs written in the stars, you know that you’re following your life meaning and purpose. Sometimes it can literally be that simple. 💫
There’s a special kind of timelessness that happens when you’re fully immersed in your craft.
Hours feel like minutes, and the outside world seems to fade away. This state of flow is evidence that you’re channeling something greater than yourself. Something that’s completely, deeply, beautifully aligned with your life meaning and purpose.
We have definitions for these, but let’s understand the spiritual meaning in creativity to open doors to deeper purpose.
Because you know more than anyone that your creative journey isn’t about making beautiful things — that’s the outcome! It’s about connecting with something greater than yourself. It’s about expanding. It’s about making your mark on the world.
And BTW friend, when it’s filled with love and passion, your mark will always be stunning. ✨
Want more inspo on living a creative life? 〰️ The *How-To* on How to Live a Life of Your Own
Your creativity isn’t just a hobby or even a career — it’s your divine purpose for artists manifesting through you.
If you’re like me — which I think you are — you weren’t put on this earth to clock in and out of a job. That’s why you want to be a full-time creative. You want universal energy to flow through you and take form. AND get paid to do it! And guess what? You freaking CAN.
I’ve found that the more awareness I have about the universe, my body, and the seasons the more I see signs.
I take into account when I feel like I need more rest (in a creative winter) vs. when I have LOTS of creative energy (in a creative summer). My body tells me through my cycle, and the universe is telling me through signs.
Learning the trust these callings I think is such a huge part of finding your life purpose as an artist. You’re literally tuning into the whispers of your heart and letting it guide your creative journey.
This ain’t no corporate career. This is using your innate magic to sustain a beautiful, abundant lifestyle that you absolutely ADORE.
Here are some tools I’ll use to ensure I’m in-tune with my body and the universe so I’m always following my ever-flowing and fluctuating life meaning and purpose.
I love to start each day connecting with your creative essence. Movement, sunlight, good smells, good music, or a combination of these. You could also have a meditation practice through an app like Headspace or something else that fills your cup and nurtures your temple (your body).
I like to think of these less as chores or routines but more as rituals… literally because it feels more spiritual. 🥰
Want some more ritual/routine inspo? I got you!: How to Build a Sustainable Morning Routine *For Creatives*
Your art deserves sacred space and time. What have you created in your home as a sort of creative studio to give your art the space it needs to flourish?
Is your home inspiring? Does it ignite your soul to start creating? If not, I invite you to read this blog post on how to create a home studio — I think it can help you so much!
I also definitely recommend reading or listening to Marie Kondo’s two books below. They completely changed the way I use and love my home.
Sweet artist, answering “What is life meaning and purpose?” isn’t about finding a single answer, but embracing just how nuanced you really are.
Your artist life purpose unfolds naturally when when you allow yourself to create from a place of authenticity and trust.
If you love the idea of diving deeper into finding your life purpose as an artist through a blend of strategy and manifestation, I invite you to join me on YouTube. ✨ Either way, sending you alllll of the love to find the beautiful meanings and purposes unfolding in your life.
Creative lifestyle
Creative lifestyle
Creative lifestyle
I'm an artist at heart, performer and songwriter, and a lover of all things creatively & artistically beautiful. In this little corner of the internet, we talk about how to live an artistic lifestyle, fit with the tools, techniques, tips, and community. Get comfy and cozy.
I'll pass you little notes full of my latest musings, tips & fav creative tools for being your best artist.