I'm an artist at heart, performer and songwriter, and a lover of all things creatively & artistically beautiful. In this little corner of the internet, we talk about how to live an artistic lifestyle, fit with the tools, techniques, tips, and community. Get comfy and cozy.
That first time you picked up a paintbrush, touched piano keys, or stepped onto a stage… SUCH a vibe. SO MUCH JOY-SPARKING.
Part of feeling the *flutter* of doing what you love is literally reigniting your inner child, who’s ready to come out and play all these years later.
(And can you blame her?! She’s SO excited to see where you’re at RN!)
Sweet friend, if you’ve been feeling disconnected from your art lately, or if creating feels more like a chore than magic, your inner child miiiiiight be trying to tell you something.
And why not get a little fairy whisper from your past self, with some inner child quotes that remind you how you’re doing this for her?
Sometimes, the most profound artistic wisdom comes from remembering who we were before the world told us how to create.
And sometimes, other people just have the perfect way to capture how we feel. 😊 Here are some healing inner child quotes to help you reconnect with your younger artist.
Okay, but before reading these dreamy inner child quotes, let’s take a second to really understand what I mean by your “artist inner child.”
✨ Artist inner child (n): Your artist inner child is that pure, imaginative spark within you that creates without judgment or expectation. She’s that part of you that approaches art with wonder, playfulness, and complete creative freedom. The essence of who you were before external pressures, perfectionism, or “practical” concerns influenced your artistic expression. ✨
Think about how you created as a child. There was no inner critic telling you your colors didn’t match. Or that your melody wasn’t “commercial” enough. Or that your dance moves weren’t perfect! You simply created because it brought you joy.
And the beautiful thing? That child is still within you, waiting to be invited back into your creative process. 🙌
Of all the quotes about childhood, wonder, and everything in between, I love the simplicity of this one. Sophistication doesn’t have to also mean abandoning our playful spirit.
Jim Henson (the magician behind The Muppets, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal) understood something profound about creativity:
The most advanced artists often maintain that rudimentary sense of childlike wonder.
When was the last time you approached your art with pure curiosity? No expectations, no pressure to produce something “meaningful” – just the joy of exploring what happens when you try something new?
Among the most powerful inner child healing quotes, this one hits deep for many of us creatives.
Those moments when we feel blocked or disconnected from our art often trace back to creative wounds we haven’t acknowledged. Maybe it was a teacher’s harsh criticism, or a parent’s well-meaning but limiting advice about “practical” careers.
(BTW, I’m so sorry that happened to you if it did. You didn’t deserve that, and there are people out there who can be your support system).
I’ve definitely had those people in my life, too. Ultimately, I’ve found one of the biggest ways in healing my inner child has been acting class and going to therapy.
Both have helped me bring my emotional life to the surface, much like a child does. And honestly? It’s exhilarating to be able to feel all the emotions.
Related: Quotes on Creativity to Reignite Your Artistic Spark
As artists, we often push ourselves relentlessly, forgetting that rest and play are essential parts of the creative process. There’s such a hustle culture vibe working in the corporate world (I know, and I see both the benefits and drawbacks of it). It disconnects us from the silly, goofy, sweets-lovin’ kiddos who just wanna sprawl out on the couch and take a cat nap.
No corporate talk, no budgets, no stand-up meetings, just DARN MILK AND COOKIES.
In fact, what if you created rituals around your art practice that *felt* like cookies and milk? What is your milk-and-cookies?
Maybe it’s lighting a candle before you write, or wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket while you sketch, or having your favorite tea nearby while you practice music.
Honestly, it’s the simplest things, friend.
Perhaps the most potent and clear of the creative inner child quotes, this one perfectly captures the essence of authentic inspiration.
We might look to external muses — other artists, nature, relationships — but our inner child holds the key to our most authentic creative voice.
Have you ever had a moment that literally healed your inner child? A person in your life that affirmed you more than any adults ever could? A phrase that was spoken to you, and an experience you finally gave yourself permission to do?
I wonder what our art would feel to us if we used it as a way to heal our inner child. Honoring that little one’s pure inspiration and joy by keeping her alive?
Common theme we’re seeing here, right? Quotes disbarring the concept that we have to be all adult, all the time. Especially as an artist, that just AIN’T TRUE!
Among the most powerful inner child healing quotes, this is your little reminder of how many adult rules constrain us. As we grow up, we learn so many rules about art — what sells, what’s “professional,” what’s “good enough.” But these very rules can become the bars of a creative prison.
Your inner artist child needs space to break these rules sometimes. Maybe that means using colors that “don’t go together,” or writing a song that doesn’t follow traditional structure, or dancing without worrying about technique.
Albeit, you need to learn the rules to break them. But it somehow feels even better to break the rules when you know which ones you’re breaking. 🙌
Related: 10 Law of Attraction Quotes to Manifest Your Creative Dreams
A single memory, scent, or song can transport us back to that place of pure creative wonder.
Your artistic spark never truly dies. It simply waits for the right moment to flame back to life.
Sometimes, rekindling this fire is as simple as revisiting the art forms you loved as a child. Or the places you went. Or the people you spent time with.
What did you spend hours watching? Reading? Doing? Did you love making up songs? Building elaborate stories with your toys?
When it comes to playful spirit quotes, this ancient wisdom from Mencius still rings true today.
There’s a beautiful balance to strike here — combining our adult skills and knowledge with our childhood sense of possibility. It’s about maintaining that sense of “what if?” even as we master our craft.
Think about your favorite artists. Chances are, beneath their technical brilliance, there’s a playful spirit that shines through. This is pretty much what all the other quotes are saying, in a beautifully simple way.
This piece of artistic inner child wisdom is so true! We don’t need to learn how to be artists; we need to remember how to be artists. We need to unlearn the culturing that makes us feel like we can’t be “too much.”
As children, we naturally expressed ourselves without fear of judgment or failure. What would change in your art if you approached it with that same fearless spirit?
Children and birds experience life with such presence and wonder… it’s contagious. They don’t analyze or overthink – they simply experience. They don’t glaze over precious things and moments like adults sometimes do just to “get through it.”
As artists, we can learn so much from this approach. Looking at a color not thinking about how to use it but just thinking about how beautiful it is. Listening to music not to study other artists or analyze the structure but just for the delight.
This is the purest of ways to experience life — and inadvertently, where some of the our richest artistic inspiration comes from. When we’re not wanting or expecting it.
What’s your apple orchard (with your milk-and-cookies?!). Is it your studio — a place where judgment takes a backseat to joy?
Or maybe a class you’re taking, where every time you walk into the space, you know your dreams are ungated.
I hope these inner child quotes remind you that your artist inner child is one of your greatest gifts. The key to your dreams, goals, and most creative self is already inside of you. She’s probably just several years younger, and so ready to come back out. 🥹
Want more creative magic? Subscribe to my YouTube channel to talk about artist manifestation and strategy to get closer to your dreams and your inner child. Because you don’t have to choose. ✨
Creative lifestyle
Creative lifestyle
Creative lifestyle
I'm an artist at heart, performer and songwriter, and a lover of all things creatively & artistically beautiful. In this little corner of the internet, we talk about how to live an artistic lifestyle, fit with the tools, techniques, tips, and community. Get comfy and cozy.
I'll pass you little notes full of my latest musings, tips & fav creative tools for being your best artist.