my 2024s ins (and my 2023 outs) as a performing artist.

performing artist ins and outs

Oh, the New Year’s resolutions. The “everything I’m going to change about myself” pacts. The “I’m going to be soooo different this year than last year” promises. But what about instead of thinking about what we’d change about ourselves, or how we can make ourselves better, what about a new ✨lifestyle trend✨ for this year […]

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January 10, 2024


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Oh, the New Year’s resolutions.

The “everything I’m going to change about myself” pacts.

The “I’m going to be soooo different this year than last year” promises.

But what about instead of thinking about what we’d change about ourselves, or how we can make ourselves better, what about a new ✨lifestyle trend✨ for this year

Kind of like a fashion trend, design trend or music trend– but it doesn’t have to be something anyone needs to know or see.

Personally, I wanted to share my personal “ins” for this year, especially pertaining to my performing artist lifestyle.

performing artist ins and outs

My 2024 Ins + Outs

Out: Fixating on perfection.

1. In: Being 1% better every time. ✨

Instead of being too afraid to even start, whether that’s starting to write music, create content, or taking improv classes. From there, we have a world of opportunity in front of us, starting with just being 1% better every time.

I’m not asking for anything crazy! Just 1% better.

Out: Trying to “just go for it!” with no real strategy.

2. In: Investing in courses, templates + systems to make life easier. ✨

Why change something when it really, really works?

I’ve built a lot of systems for myself this year– and not just in the way I run a business. There are systems for everything.

There’s a system to waking up in the morning.

There’s a system to warming up your voice.

To moving your body.

To generating more business.

And yes, there’s even a system to be creative. In fact, without systems, creativity would just happen in a vacuum, for nobody to see! This year, let’s commit to honing in on systems that work so we can have more free time to create, whatever that means for you.

Out: Niching down to make people happy.

3. In: Using your personality and lifestyle as your “niche.” ✨

Not everyone reading this might even be thinking about themselves as a niche anyway, but when it comes to being creative, it’s safe to say there’s loooooots of information out there saying to put yourself in a box.

“You don’t want to be known for that, do you?”

“Make sure people see you as this!”

“Make sure you don’t get stuck in a box.”

All of this advice, no matter how well-intentioned it may be, tends to cloud our visions and tell us that we should hide all of our interests, whether it’s about how we’re presenting ourselves on social media, sharing our taste in music, or even wearing a certain style of clothes.

But the truth is, we wake up every day a grown version of ourselves. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! In 2024, in my creativity especially, I’m moving forward with the crazy thought that I’m actually enough. And I hope you do, too.

Out: Fearing that the world is scarce and there might not be space for me.

4. In: Knowing there’s enough money, stage-time, and space to go around. ✨

Ah, the abundance mindset.

You’ll hear it all the time, you’ll read it all the time, but it’s not the easiest thing to put in practice.

Envy is a real thing, but even if you’re not envious of someone else’s success, it sometimes seems that there simply isn’t enough to go around.

Now, I’ll preface this by saying I have 0 metrics or numbers to show you that there is enough to go around.

But what if we just had faith that there was?

With scarcity thinking, you’ll get scarcity results. But with abundant thinking… I don’t know friend, but I highly implore you to consider it. 😉

Out: Defining by a generic title, i.e. “I am a songwriter.”

5. In: Defining by actions, i.e. “I write music.” ✨

It’s funny how in the English language, we tend to use a state of being as a huge indicator of us.

“I am a soprano.”

“I am a songwriter.”

“I’m a southerner.”

I’ve personally found that placing all these defining factors on myself makes me feel restricted. It makes me forget that I’m a multifaceted person with many different qualities that make me who I am.

And I’ve spoken to other artists who feel this same way.

So instead of focusing on our state of being, in 2024, I’d like to focus on my actions.

“I sing soprano.”

“I write music.”

“I live in the south.”

The separation between the thing and the person (at least, for me!) makes me remember that I’m a human, made up of so many interests and actions and positions and roles. Nothing makes me up completely.

Here’s to making 2024 our year of growth, love, collaboration, and of course, boundless creativity. You’ve got this. XOXO

Creative Career




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my 2024s ins (and my 2023 outs) as a performing artist.


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