best golden milk powder


Golden Girls, the Golden Globes, why not a golden milk, too? ✨ I’ve been drinking golden milk for about 2 years now and I just love the taste and warm and fuzzies it gives me. I’m not perfect about taking it every day, but when I do, I never regret it. If you love the […]

female songwriter

female songwriter


I’ve found one of the biggest reasons I have so much energy and inspiration is because of the lifestyle I’ve practiced for over 10 years — being plant-based! As a singer-songwriter who documents my artistic process on YouTube, I constantly have vegan drinks and snacks around to help me keep my energy levels high (shoutout […]

female songwriter

female songwriter

how to become a full-time artist


The secret to living your dreams as an artist is closer than you think. BUT, it might not be in the place you were looking for it. 🫣 If you’ve always resonated with the idea that everyone in the world should be doing what they love, you’re not alone. I’ve been a self-help connoisseur ever […]

female songwriter

female songwriter

creative lifestyle ❥ wellness tools ❥ home studio bts ❥ self-produced musician ❥ work-from-home ❥ cozy + whimsical home


I went from the fast-paced NYC grind as a newly-graduated theatre major to writing music in our cozy, holistic and ever-inspired home studio in Greenville, South Carolina.


Hi, I’m KIRA.

But once I realized the beautiful power that female songwriters can bring to their artistic realities, I shifted towards a more abundant, manifestation-based lifestyle, and everything changed.

My life was once full of hustle, a starving artist mentality, with a clutching urge for others to cast me in their work.

I leveraged a strong work ethic, the Law of Attraction, and manifestation to achieve any creative goal I had. When I wanted to get into a theatre school, get cast in a production, and work professionally? Energy and strategy were my guiding lights.

Using these creative tools, I realized a huge roadblock in my way to artistic fulfillment-- I was placing all my energy into auditioning, aka hoping someone else would see a spark in me.

Once 2020 came around, I learned that the only person in charge of an artist who wanted to manifest her reality was her. Instead of focusing on what was out of my control, to get a full grasp on my creative reality, I needed to learn how to create my work myself.

So I brought over STATiC’s acoustic, plunked out some chords on the guitar, and started to document the melodies that were spiraling in my head.

Most importantly, I stopped focusing on being one of the best female songwriters, or performers— but on being the most fulfilled, inspired, creative version of myself.

It's all about the dreamy 3:
A nurtured body and mind, a beautiful space, and a soft & strategic creative career.

right here.


Who inspired me to walk into my first thrift store and start getting more involved in beautiful, cozy, and inspiring interiors.

XO, MaCenna

I’ve turned to the inspiration of many content creators and influencers who believe in sustainability, holistic lifestyles, manifestation, and high vibrational energy to bring their fullest dreams to life. Some of my favorites include:

My Lifestyle Influences

Who inspired me to pursue freelancing full-time and be both professional and creative in the way I approach my business.

Her systems-oriented guidance has helped me with business in music, too, and eventually,  I worked for her!

DBM Bootcamp

A passionate multi-hyphenate who looks just as fondly at her work as an actor as she does encouraging a plant-based, holistic lifestyle.

I adore Daniella’s warm, inviting energy and being subscribed to her Digest, too! And of course, her big sister energy that brings me nostalgia from her Trina Vega days.

Daniella Monet

Kate Bush

My Musical Influences

Cocteau Twins

PJ Harvey

Mazzy Star



that's me!

As a singer/songwriter who’s also all about that plant-based, natural lifestyle, I’ve become somewhat of a connoisseur of healthy vegan snacks. 🌱 In fact, we have 2 ✌️ special eaters in our household (aside from the cats, most of which will eat pretty much anything): Kira: plant-based and dairy-free STATiC: allergic to gluten Since we both […]


healthy vegan snacks: quick + simple go-to’s in my home


woman wearing black in front of stove with floral wallpaper backsplash in green and white kitchen



Dive into some new additions to your home that’ll make living a lot healthier.


23+ wellness products to make your home a healthier haven


image collage of candles, an oil diffuser, and tea accessories with the caption 23 wellness products to make your home a healthier haven



I remember that first feeling of being on stage— the energy, yet total peace. I knew it was my home.

Then, I went to The William Esper Studio, where Nancy Mayans said words that I always thought of but never had the words for. I realized they embodied my creative process in every facet of performance. A purpose, a soul’s calling...

My Creative Process

as a female songwriter.

Female songwriters

Performing is a collective prayer, bringing people together to life the vibration of the room as a whole.

Art is an artist’s love language and most powerful act of service.

Performing helps others heal by reminding them how to feel.