5 ways to build a creative network naturally

Build your community through being truthful, open, and high vibrational using these 5 tips.

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April 2, 2023


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What is building a creative network?

We live in a lonely world. We yearn for true connections that we don’t feel live inside us. So, we reach our arms outwards, thinking that, somehow, we’ll bring enough people into our “circle” to be happy.

5 ways to cultivate your community building a creative community naturally

But if you’re here, you likely want to know how to build a creative network mindfully, gathering like-minded people to share your life experiences and journeys openly, honestly, and caringly. And with that, comes building a creative network, not as a way of collecting more people for your inner circle, but actually immersing yourself in other circles.

Instead of wishing and hoping more people will come to you, consider this goal a way of meeting others where they’re at, broadening your horizons, and following your curiosities by taking action to step outside your own bubble.

In fact, building a creative network is less about meeting people than it is about doing things that spark your soul. It’s only then that you’ll naturally discover building a creative network is actually an easy and seamless process— and not forced.

Building a creative network is about action-gathering, not people-gathering.

Let’s go back to the intention of building a creative network. It’s not to get more friends but to be in service to others. If you’ve ever tried forcing friendships by going out on a somewhat awkward friend date through an app or by a forced interaction, you might know how forced interaction happens. In focusing on finding a new friend or meeting others, your attention often sways directly to yourself: what you’re wearing, what you’re saying, how you look, how you sound.

Instead, consider building a creative network about experience gathering, focusing your attention on having true and present connections with what you’re doing.

Say there’s a women’s meditation circle happening in your area. Instead of thinking about gathering friends here, get curious about the experience you’ll have there. What do you want out of this event? Are you looking for a place for a collective consciousness, where you can be led through gentle guidance? Or a place to break up the day or do something different with your usual weekly routine? Focus your attention outwards instead of inwards to build bonds rather than force friends.

Let’s get a little deeper into 5 ways to cultivate and build a creative network.

1. Go to community events you’re attracted to.

When you connect with what’s around you, through action, you’ll naturally happen upon people who also love what you love. I bet there’s been at least one thing happening in your area that you’ve been curious about— so get out there and start taking action on what’s been tugging at your curiosity!

♀️Maybe you’ve been looking for an excuse to find a trampoline park and jump your heart away for a few hours.

♀️ Perhaps your body has been begging for a hot yoga class and community that can fit into your schedule.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to take a mushroom foraging class.

This is the start of building a community— not actually looking at building a community at all! Instead, find what you love, and watch connections unfold organically.

2. Open your awareness to people you’re already connected with.

Many seeking creative community from the outside often forget about any people in their own lives! Remember the people you do know— perhaps ones you’d like to get back in contact with— and start reconnecting.

You can do this whether you’re still living in an area you once met, or from across the world. Having a support system of old confidants knows no bounds, and your world will often look better when there are more interconnected relationships.

3. Have an accountability partner.

While having a collection of growing minds is a beauty all of its own, having a singular accountability partner— whether to co-work with, meditate with, or bounce ideas off— can be the difference between feeling like you’re going at this whole “life” thing alone and having a support system.

Some call it an accountability partner, a biz bestie, or simply a friend whom you know is there for you in circumstance-specific instances like for business, mindfulness, or meditation scenarios.

Having a connection in-person or across borders is an amazing way to nurture your creativity and connect your vibrations together.

4. Share your gift with the world.

What does sharing what you do with the world have anything to do with connection? When you’re in your highest vibration, you’ll ring true to others looking for open and honest connections, too.

Think about how you feel when you’re in your element. Is it when performing, teaching a class, or building something? Something happens when you’re in your element that greatly affects the people around you:

Your focus becomes on what you love, rather than yourself. Remember back to number 1, when you need to be focusing on what you’re doing rather than what you look like. The more you’re fascinated with what’s happening outside of you, the more you’ll live in your truest, most unfiltered form, welcoming in people who vibrate at your same energy and even more divinely in your favor.

You foster connection rooted in service, rather than what you can get out of it.

5. Practice being grounded.

All of this considered, there’s something that will ultimately come from all of this— but is still important to mention. When we’re the most grounded in ourselves, we’re not concerned about the face we’re putting on, how to meet new people, or how we can impress as many people as possible. I’m sure you’ve tried the sumptuous piece of advice, “stop caring what other people think!,” but rarely get action-oriented advice on how to do it.

So, practice getting grounded regularly. Build rituals into your morning routine that helps you get grounded, like:

  • Dancing to root chakra music— think of music with African drums or deep rhythmic lines
  • Practice yoga
  • Walk outside barefoot

The approach to building a community is perception. Looking at this as an act of giving rather than an act of receiving can make all the difference, and can connect you with other energies that sync perfectly to your life’s wavelength.

Creative Career




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5 ways to build a creative network naturally


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