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You might hear the “555 manifestation method” and immediately think of it as one of those run-of-the-mill self-help gimmicks. And I don’t blame you! Oftentimes, manifestation is talked about as just thinking about something and having it happen. But there are a few more ways to make its magic happen, which is probably why you’re […]

what is the 55×5 manifestation method?

Creative Career

image of a girl looking out the window sipping tea

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We spend long hours writing and recording melodies in the comfort of our home (studio). 🎶 So naturally, I’m always on the lookout, for a healthier, more inspiring environment. The best nontoxic candles can both create a beautiful ambiance in your space and keep your body and home clean. After all, taking care of our […]

the 7 best nontoxic candles for a fresh & inspiring home


best nontoxic candles woman in cozy sweater by window

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Let’s collectively reshape the way we’re working in 2024, fit with self-love, better home vibes, and warm intentions day in and day out.

a BETTER way to be an artist in 2024.


graphic of a girl with the words stop hustling

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Creating a nontoxic home is a journey I’ve been on for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s always a work in progress. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” nontoxic home, but every small switch we make brings us closer to a healthier, cleaner space. There are things that I know now— […]

7 simple switches for a nontoxic home (& clearer creative mind)


nontoxic home girl drinking juice in kitchen

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3 mistakes i made releasing my first creative project

Creative Career

3 MISTAKES i made releasing my first CREATIVE PROJECT

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Having a recording studio nestled right inside our home means every corner of our living space and a is potential birthplace for our next big idea. We’ve learned that treating our home like a creative oasis is just as important as ensuring it’s a comfortable abode. As a musical couple, it’s about creating a cozy […]

how to make my house feel like a home (for non-designers!)


house design ideas purple home with woman wearing cozy black jacket

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my 7-step formula for long-term creative freedom (business, mindset + strategy)


image of a woman reading a book on a bed with the text be patient above her head

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The manifesting I’ve done for years has changed my life. ✨ Lots of people describe manifesting as willing something to happen— but it’s so much more than that. In fact, that’s probably what gives it a bad rap— everyone simplifies it down to just imagining and thinking. They don’t talk about the importance of action. […]

How to Make a Manifestation Mood Board

Creative Career

image of the back of a girl staring at pictures and images for her mood board

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I wasn’t always a big fan of tea. In fact, I had a rule: I wanted my food hot and my drinks cold. I didn’t think about herbal teas that detox, or teas in general. It wasn’t until I met STATiC and went over to his home for the first time. He had a tea […]

the 17 best herbal teas that detox like magic


image of a girl wearing all black and holding a green teacup in her kitchen

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FB marketplace GEM + a thrifty, cozy weekend 🕯️✨


three part collage image of a vlogger including her on her bed arranging something, at her desk at home, and a thrifted floor lamp

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OUR FIRST SONG REVEALED: “Dirty Beautiful” 🥀 song Q&A w/ Kira Violet + STATiC


split image of a record cover on top with two musicians laughing with each other on the bottom with text our first song revealed

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Calling all mindful creatives: this sustainable living guide is for you. As a songwriter, living holistically and sustainably is such an important element of my creative process. I 100% know that the times I feel anxious, uninspired, and stuck is when I’m: It’s honestly that simple. This is why I prioritize sustainable living practices to […]

3-step sustainable living guide for holistic girlies


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📝 switching my biz plan, ✨ laying down new songs + 📜 my songwriting process


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We’re in a bit of a cozy revolution, don’t ya think? We’re working from home and creating beautiful lives for ourselves all from the comfort of our own spaces. (And it’s not just me, right?) If you’re like me, you crave a space that wraps you in warmth and tranquility—a place where every corner invites […]

cozy home decor ideas to make your home a forever retreat


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I’d like to officially vouch for making sustainable yoga clothes a staple in everyone’s home. Because even if you’ve never stepped foot in a yoga studio, I think having both eco-friendly fabrics and breathable and natural fabrics in your closet is the way to take care of your body and the planet. After all, the […]

sustainable yoga clothes to feel like your most green goddess self


graphic of sustainable yoga pants and shirts for women

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*self-care day + $0 guest room refresh* cozy weekend vlog


graphic promoting singer songwriter vlog as she designs a room and plays piano

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As a singer/songwriter who’s also all about that plant-based, natural lifestyle, I’ve become somewhat of a connoisseur of healthy vegan snacks. 🌱 In fact, we have 2 ✌️ special eaters in our household (aside from the cats, most of which will eat pretty much anything): Kira: plant-based and dairy-free STATiC: allergic to gluten Since we both […]

healthy vegan snacks: quick + simple go-to’s in my home


woman wearing black in front of stove with floral wallpaper backsplash in green and white kitchen

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Carving out a comfy yet workspace in a confined area can be… hard. But the thing is, the size of your space should never limit the scope of your dreams. That’s where the magic of ✨ desks for small spaces ✨ comes in, to let you have a functional yet super cute workspace that suits […]

9 charming desks for small spaces (and big dreams!)


graphic collage of 9 curated desks in front of a blue background