What Are the Laws of the Universe? (& How It Can Make You a Better Artist)

what are the laws of the universe painting woman holding planets

So — what are the laws of the universe? We might not get to each, but let’s touch on a few that can shape our relationship to the universe in our art.

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October 19, 2024


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While I’d absolutely love to dive deep into every single law of the universe, it can be *complex as heck* and quite frankly, your girl is not a scientist.

But, I am an inspired artist who loves finding how the magic of the universe works with being an artist. (And hey, I bet you are, too.)

💫 But First — What Are the Laws of the Universe?

The laws of the universe we’ll be talking about are energetic, spiritual, and conceptual. They’re the underlying principles that govern everything in our reality. They’re always at work, whether we’re aware of them or not.

These laws are also beautifully interconnected, working in harmony to shape our each and every experience. On a personal level, once I started being open to the laws of the universe (well, the ones I was aware of), I started realizing that I didn’t need to be in control of everything.

It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing that my path to being a full-time artist wasn’t just up to this sole team member.

If this sounds too woo-woo to you, then you’re free to click on by. Buttttt, I think for the majority of my creative girlies, it doesn’t. In fact, the more you learn about it, the more it makes sense.

And the more it makes sense, the more you can see your creative journey inside of the divine energy that the universe brings.

💖 Let’s Break Down *Just a Few* Laws of the Universe

🌟 The Law of Attraction

You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction — it’s the idea that like attracts like (and what you resist persists). In essence, our thoughts and beliefs act like magnets, drawing similar experiences and opportunities into our lives. As an artist, this means that your mindset plays a crucial role in your creative journey.

Imagine what life would feel like if you were focusing on your artistic successes and fulfillments. We productive, to-do list loving artists tend to focus on what’s not working (which has its place!) but not as much about what is working.

The Law of Attraction also nicely segues into the reasons why you would create a vision board. If you put your biggest dreams and goals in your direct vision every day, the Law of Attraction proves that your subconscious and the universe will work tirelessly to fill that gap and make what you see even more of a reality.

〰️ The Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe is energy, vibrating at different frequencies — aka, the Law of Vibration.

Things vibrate, people vibrate, but even more, our thoughts and emotions vibrate, which attract experiences of similar frequencies.

These cosmic principles govern everything from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. In turn, it means your emotional state directly impacts your creative output. This explains why your best work often comes to fruition when you’re in a positive, high-energy state. You’re feeling in-flow and ready to move and create.

You might be familiar with the idea of high vibrational and low vibrational thoughts, energy, and words. In fact, you might feel it, too. Gossip, jealousy, and frustration have lower vibrations, and joy, collaboration and friendship have higher vibrations.

⚡️ The Law of Cause and Effect

Every action has a reaction. Equally, in your artistic career, every decision you make and action you take sets off a chain of events that shape your path. Sometimes, this feels divinely perfect. Other times, it’s dang scary. The sheer fact that the decision you make right now could alter the rest of your life is a lot of pressure, friend.

The good news is that we can’t predict the future, so we can’t quite understand which decision will be fundamentally “good” or “bad.” The better news is that we likely have some great gut feelings that will help us make decisions.

I think the good middle ground for this is intention. Whatever you’re doing, do it with intention. Being mindful about your decisions can help you wrap your brain around all the different possibilities it can bring. It might not tell you every last outcome, but it can help you live more presently, and not get caught up with anxieties of future worries. 😬

what are the laws of the universe woman painting crystals

🦋 How to Apply the Laws of the Universe to Your Artistic Practice

So we broke down the three laws — but how can we directly apply them to our craft?

After all, that’s what we’re here for: a beautiful, creative life that’s in-tune AF with the universe. 🌸

😻 Visualize Your Artistic Success

The Law of Attraction loves visualization. I mentioned vision boards, but visualization in general can be done from absolutely anywhere!

Visualization is as easy as closing your eyes and imaging yourself achieving [insert your upcoming goal here]. While it’s called visualization, it should actually incorporate all of the 5 senses so you can fully immerse yourself in this daydream.

🧠 Acknowledging, Validate and Shift Negative Thoughts

Firstly, I want you to know that negative thoughts are normal and okay. We all feel that twinge of jealousy when we see someone get what we want. We all feel that sense of urgency when we feel like we’re not making our art “fast enough.” Or the frustration when a process isn’t working.

So we first acknowledge those thoughts. We feel [insert feeling here].

Then, we validate that feeling. If you were never validated as a child, you might feel ashamed of feeling a “negative” thought. But in these parts, we celebrate the fact that you’re feeling all the feels. I’m giving you a big virtual hug to say that it’s totally fine to feel these feelings.

As I do this, we can now start shifting the perspective. We might want to challenge ourselves on that notion. If we’re feeling “I’ll never make this my full-time job,” we might ask ourselves, “well, how do you know that?” And the truth is, you don’t. 😉

🙏 Cultivating Patience and Trust

Patience can sometimes seem like a lost art in itself. I am the first person to say that patience is not my forte.

When I want something to happen, I’m annoyed that it didn’t happen yesterday.

I often have to ask myself if being impatient is being constructive to the situation. Sometimes, it leads to much-needed action being taken, like realizing that collaborators aren’t taking work seriously and that you need to find someone else who is a tad more timely on their projects.

But if you’re simply sitting around being impatient at every turn, it might be you, not them. (It’s me a lot of the time, so I’m with you). Trusting in the process sounds simple, but ahhhh, we know it’s not.

Ultimately, this limited list of some laws of the universe 

 are always at work in our lives and art. Embrace these, explore some more, and stay open to how the universe can work in favor of your artistic journey. ♥️ If you love artistic inspiration like this, you might want to subscribe to my YouTube channel️. I’d love to see you there. 🥰

Creative Career




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What Are the Laws of the Universe? (& How It Can Make You a Better Artist)


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