10 Quotes About Magic for Spell-Casting Creatives

quotes about magic woman writing under the stars

Need a little creative pick-me-up? 🍵 These quotes about magic are here to lift you up and remember your inner magic.

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October 16, 2024


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I’ve always felt that magic and creativity are intertwined in more ways than one. ✨

Ever since high school, I’ve always referred to performing as a sort of “prayer” — a spiritual practice that made me feel like I was floating on a cloud and touching a high dimension.

I bet there’s something similar for you, too, with creativity having that semblance of pure bliss and magic.

So, I wanted to indulge a little bit into some cute quotes about magic to ignite that inner spark (especially if you might be feeling a creative block) to remind you of the wonder of your work.

Think of these inspirational magic quotes as serving as a sort of catalyst for your creative endeavors whenever you need it!

🪄 10 Quotes About Magic for Spell-Casting Creatives

I’ve curated a list of 10 magical literature excerpts and quotes about magic that I hope resonates with artists to offer a unique perspective on the relationship between magic and creativity.

As you read through these quotes about magic, how might you find magic in your work?

🧞 1. “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl’s words remind us of the crucial role that belief plays in the creative process.

As artists, we must be open to the possibility of magic in our work. Skepticism has its place, but when it comes to creativity, a little faith can go a long way.

How many times have you surprised yourself with what you’ve created? I know when I look back at songs I’ve written, I’m sometimes a little appalled. How the heck did I think of that?!

This, I feel, is the magic Dahl is talking about. Those unexpected connections, the sudden bursts of inspiration, the solutions that seem to come out of nowhere.

Allow yourself to explore wild ideas without immediately dismissing them. This is why experimentation and trying all of the new things in your creativity is so important — especially at the beginning. Quantity over quality can sometimes be a good thing.

⚡️ 2. “The world is full of magic, things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – W.B. Yeats

As artists, our job is to see the world differently, to notice the details that others might miss. This heightened awareness is a form of magic in itself — the same magic that a child brings to the world.

There are lots of fun activities for adults to uncover this inner child when you’re feeling stuck. But sometimes, it’s as simple as being a little more present and romanticizing what’s around you.

This also comes in the form of mindfulness practices to enhance your sensory awareness. I’m a huge lover of Headspace for mini meditations and mindfulness check-ups throughout the day.

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🧙‍♀️ 3. “Being an artist is the same as being a wizard. Only instead of a wand you use a pencil for your magic.” – The Picsees

STATiC first used the concept that art is magic and that his instrument (guitar, bass) feels like his wand and honestly, I could not love it more. 🪄

This also goes for when you’re feeling creatively stuck — it’s not because your magic is gone. There’s just something blocking its forcefield.

✍️ 4. “I believe in the magic and authority of words.” – René Char

The power of words is essential to any brand, including you as an artist. If you’re in the industry of writing words, then you’ve probably heard certain words and felt that flutter in your heart.

As a singer-songwriter, I hear certain words and start to obsess over them. I recently wrote a song called “Asylum” because the word and concept itself became so captivating to me when I heard it used in a sentence recently.

If you’re not in the industry of words, then this is still equally important in your branding! The words you use to market yourself in your Instagram bio, your website, and your product descriptions (if you have them) are simply so important to infuse your personality across pixels and into the hearts of your future collaborators/clients/customers/audience/fans.

🌸 5. “Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars?” – Nora Roberts

Nature has long been a source of inspiration for artists, and Roberts’ quote reminds us why! There’s a kind of everyday magic in the world around us, if only we take the time to notice it.

Embracing the quotes about magical experiences can help us see our world through fresh eyes. While I’m such a lover of creative productivity, I even find myself itching for sunlight and more time outside. Nature can be our greatest muse.

Many great artists have drawn inspiration from nature. Van Gogh’s swirling night skies, Monet’s shimmering water lilies, Mary Oliver’s observant poetry – all of these works capture something of the magic Roberts describes.

Next time you’re feeling creatively blocked, immerse yourself in some sort of nature. Maybe that’s going to a lake, sitting in the sun, or even just taking a drive to a park or preserve and hanging around outside.

🤸 6. “Children see magic because they look for it.” – Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal

As we grow older, it’s easy to lose touch with the sense of wonder and curiosity we had as children. In fact, I was even thinking about how amazing newborns are after hanging out with my friend’s sweet baby, Colette.

They’re so incredibly aware of their surroundings — so much so, that some of them will have trouble going to sleep because they can tell that their parents are trying to scurry out of the room (without even having to see anything).

I also adore watching documentaries about children talking about their past-life experiences — they’re connected to a spiritual realm that we tend to grow out of as we get older.

Children approach the world with open minds and endless curiosity. They ask “why” and “what if” without fear of looking silly. As artists, let’s recapture some of that innate magic we had as children — because we actually all have the capacity to access parts of our inner children, too.

🪐 7. “For the ones who dream of stranger worlds.” – Victoria Schwab, A Darker Shade of Magic

I love that this quote reminds us that we artists are just built differently. We can access our inner children — something not everyone can do — and create something from nothing.

This is yet another reminder that you are allowed to let your imagination run wild. Don’t apologize for who you are.

🧭 8. “And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart

There’s a special kind of magic in new beginnings. (Sometimes, so much so, that we don’t want to finish our creative projects! Oops 😉)

That blank page or canvas can be intimidating, but it’s also full of potential. Embrace that potential and trust that your creative process will likely be messy — and that’s perfect.

💫 9. “Writing stories is a kind of magic, too.” – Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

Whichever type of artist you are, you’re a storyteller. You craft worlds by diving deep into your inner child’s mind, and for that, you’re worthy of being celebrated.

🥰 10. “Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” – Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

True magic happens when we create from a place of genuine enthusiasm and curiosity.

What are your fascinations? What topics or ideas keep drawing you back? These are clues to where your unique magic lies. Don’t be afraid to follow these interests, even if your friends and family members call them weird. I promise you, other artists won’t.

Your instincts (aka, your gut) will tell you what you need.

✨ I Hope These Quotes About Magic Inspired You

I hope these little enchanting life lessons can help remind you about all the power you have as a creative. I hope it reminds you to see the beauty and magic in your creative process — because just by being you, you’re already creating magic in this world.

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10 Quotes About Magic for Spell-Casting Creatives


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