Even if you have the coziest, stress-less work-from-home job in the world, I know that by the end of the day, your brain can’t help but be buzzin’ a bit.
Maybe your shoulders are up to your ears. Maybe your chest feels tight. So here’s the thing— unwinding is crucial, both to relax your body and your mind.
I’ve found that implementing a routine at night that winds my brain and body down helps set a little reset button on my stress levels and makes me ready for the next day.
Because everything is about balance, right? And as humans, we thrive on routines. So let’s get right into them!
1. Pair a Chore with a Funny Show or Light-Hearted Podcast.
There’s probably at least 1 thing that you know you need to do before you go to sleep that you’re not particularly excited about.
Stretching. Doing dishes. Cleaning.
And while TV and tech isn’t the greatest thing before you go to sleep, I fully believe in the idea of pairing a chore with something fun so the time goes by faster!
Consider some of these ideas:
- Do the dishes watching Friends
- Listen to a podcast as you vacuum
- Catch up on your favorite YouTube channel while you clean
Whatever it is, make it fun. Who said you can’t enjoy yourself when you’re doing chores?
2. Design Your Home with Calm + Cozy Vibes.
Marie Kondo hit the nail on the head when she talks about the fact that everything in your home needs to spark joy.
Take a moment to look at (or imagine, if you’re not home) your place right now. Consider every single item in that space. How many things truly spark joy for you? Are you happy with the colors? Does everything in the room serve a purpose, or have things been sitting around taking up space for years feigning purpose?
If you’ve been feeling anxious, confused, or a little all over the place, consider taking some time investing in your home. And by investing, I actually don’t mean investing money— but time.
I’ve recommended both of Marie Kondo’s books many times on the blog, and I’ll do it again! Grab these on Amazon or as an audiobook:
📖 The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
I promise you, this is the first step to making your home work for you (not the other way around), and feel like you can recharge without the stagnant, heavy energy of a million things around you home that have far surpassed their shelf-life of service to you.
By the way, this also includes incorporating clean-ingredient scents into your space, like natural candles, incense, simmer pots, or essential oil diffusers (as long as you’re conscious about your pets).
3. Take What You’re Doing + Add Some Heat. 🔥
Adding heat to your body isn’t just about feeling cozy (although it’s a beautifully relaxing way to allow yourself to sweat!), but sweating is an insanely natural way to detox your body with very little effort!
People use sweating as a holistic and functional way to detox as well as be a preventative care, particularly in a sauna, including:
- Relaxing your muscles
- Improving your circulation
- Detoxing
So while you’re listening to that show, podcast, video, or song (or if you just need some silence), find a way to sweat. There are a few different ways you can do this: on a large scale, with a portable sauna, or on a smaller scale, through red light therapy and a hot bath!
If you’re like me and exercise in the mornings, then you can sauna in the morning and red light at night, so you’re still adding that “heat” through the healing qualities of red light therapy.
4. Set “Energy Level” Boundaries.
I talked about “low-energy” shows before, so let’s talk a little bit more about energy levels.
Think of your relaxation time on an energy scale of 1-5, and aim to keep activities below a 3.
For TV time, choose shows that have soft, gentle plotlines like Gilmore Girls and less punchy, bright, and upbeat like Ugly Betty (this is a great show for during the day, though!).
I also consider red light to lower energy, and blue light to high energy levels, so focus on putting phones and technology away within a reasonable timeframe that works for your flow.
Once you’re ready for bed, instead of putting your phone directly next to your head, turn it on airplane mode and move it far away from your bed or in a Faraday bag so you’re clear from its radiation throughout the night.
Your Sample Sleeptime Ritual 📝
- Cozy pants: as soon as you know work time is over, make the official transition by changing into pajamas.
- All-natural skincare routine: use natural makeup remover for your face, and natural lotion for your body, and any other oils you might need for your nails, hair, or the rest of your body.
- Create an aural ambiance: turn on some gentle music, a relaxing podcast, or your favorite, light TV show to make you feel comfortable and ready to unwind.
- Light something. ritualize burning something, whether it’s a candle or sage to cleanse the air.
- Massage gun your feet: have you ever realized that your feet are the only part of your body that holds up the rest of you all day? They carry everything, and need more than a little energizing every day to target areas that are usually crammed into shoes and socks.
- Red light therapy: turn this baby on for at least 20 minutes either while you’re listening to something or to put you to sleep.
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Cozy Tips for After Work Relaxing